2,020 Results for:

October 23, 2006

Oberdorfer: Tet and Iraq: Parallels and Differences

Don Oberdorfer, an expert on Asian affairs who wrote a major book on the Tet offensive, Tet!, says even though support for the Iraq war is ebbing in the United States, the current mood lacks “the dom…

February 5, 2003

Timetable for Possible War Against Iraq Could Slip Beyond March, Peters Says

Michael P. Peters, a career army officer and executive vice president and director of studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, says that Secretary of State Colin Powell’s February 5 present…

April 7, 2005

Lyman: Zimbabwe a ‘Terrible Tragedy’ Under Mugabe Rule

Princeton N. Lyman, the Council on Foreign Relation’s Africa expert, says the March 31 parliamentary elections, widely viewed as fraudulent, are the latest development in Zimbabwe’s “terrible tragedy…

April 22, 2003

Former U.S. Envoy Sees ‘Positive Results’ in Syrian Ties; Urges U.S. to Pursue Israel-Palestinian Accord After Iraq

Edward P. Djerejian, a former U.S. ambassador to Syria, says that despite the recent harsh words from Washington, he sees the likelihood of “positive results” flowing from U.S.-Syrian rela…

July 24, 2003

Feinstein: New U.N. Peacekeeping Resolution Needed

Lee Feinstein, the Council on Foreign Relations’ deputy director of studies and director of strategic policy, says Washington should trade firm financial and troop commitments from other nation…