879 Results for:

April 1, 2009

International Organizations
Twenty Agendas at G-20

A short summary of each of the G-20 member’s objectives for the April summit in London.

March 12, 2009

Economic Crises
G-20 Policy Priorities

April’s G-20 summit has been billed as a forum for producing a "global New Deal." Experts say policymakers should focus on stopping financial turmoil before tackling long-term regulatory reforms.

May 3, 2024

The U.S.-Japan Alliance

The alliance with Japan has been the cornerstone of U.S. security policy in East Asia for decades. Now, Japan’s role in global security is growing as challenges from China and North Korea mount.  …

Former U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta addresses U.S. and Japanese forces at Yokota Air Base outside of Tokyo, October 24, 2011.

June 24, 2010

International Organizations
The G20’s Twenty Agendas

The G20 meetings in Toronto will be marked by competing agendas on global growth and financial regulations. This Backgrounder looks at the range of policy concerns.

April 16, 2024

United States
Is Rising Student Debt Harming the U.S. Economy?

Higher education provides students many socioeconomic benefits and increases the global competitiveness of the United States, but mounting student loan debt has sparked a debate over federal lending …

Protestors hold "cancel student debt" signs outside the U.S. Supreme Court.

September 23, 2009

International Organizations
Twenty Agendas at G-20, Part II

Leaders attending the Group of 20 summit in Pittsburgh will seek to forge agreements to buoy a global economic recovery and repair financial imbalances that contributed to the recession.