92 Results for:

October 20, 2023

Monetary Policy
What Is the U.S. Federal Reserve?

Over the past decade, the Fed kept interest rates low while it deployed trillions of dollars in stimulus and expanded its regulatory oversight. Now, the central bank is back in the spotlight for its …

A stone bald eagle perches on the Federal Reserve building in Washington, DC.

May 22, 2009

Nourishing Afghanistan’s Agricultural Sector

International actors are redoubling efforts to restore Afghanistan’s agriculture sector and weaken the massive opium trade that helps fund the Taliban. But competing strategies and corruption could s…

December 5, 2022

Pharmaceuticals and Vaccines
A Guide to Global COVID-19 Vaccine Efforts

The swift development of effective vaccines against COVID-19 was an unprecedented scientific achievement. But production challenges, vaccine nationalism, and new variants have all presented hurdles.

Physician Alister Martin receives one of the first doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S., December 16, 2020.Craig F. Walker

April 23, 2008

Finding a Place for the ‘Sons of Iraq’

The Sunni awakening movement and the Sons of Iraq security forces it inspired helped restore peace. Iraq’s long-term stability could hinge on keeping the movement satiated, experts say.

September 12, 2007

Iraq Security Statistics

The U.S. military’s methodology for measuring violence in Iraq draws criticism from some quarters. The Pentagon concedes some kinds of violence don’t get included, but insists its consistent applic…