100 Results for:

May 28, 2024

Palestinian Territories
Who Governs the Palestinians?

Power in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the so-called Palestinian territories, has been divided among three entities: a governing body called the Palestinian Authority, the militant group Hamas, a…

Palestinians wave their national flag as they rally beneath images of President Mahmoud Abbas and his predecessor, Yasser Arafat

April 17, 2024

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards

Conceived as the principal defenders of the 1979 revolution, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has evolved into an institution with vast political, economic, and military power.

Members of the Revolutionary Guards attend a parliamentary session in Tehran.

April 18, 2024

Palestinian Territories
What Is Hamas?

The Palestinian militant group struggled to govern the Gaza Strip before launching a surprise attack on Israel in 2023. Now facing Israel’s military campaign to destroy it, Hamas’s future is in doubt…

Gun-toting Hamas militants ride a vehicle amid a massive crowd of the group's supporters

June 26, 2002

Saudi Arabia
Youssef Ibrahim discusses Saudi feelings toward the U.S.

National Public Radio: All Things Considered ROBERT SIEGEL, host: One aspect of the Saudi-US relationship is financial. The Saudis bank much of their considerable national wealth in the United States…

June 26, 2002

Youssef Ibrahim and Henry Siegman discuss the Middle East Crisis

The Charlie Rose ShowThis transcript has not been checked against videotape and cannot, for that reason, be guaranteed as to accuracy of speakers and spelling of names. (TW) CHARLIE ROSE, Host: Welco…

April 5, 2013

Weekend Reading: Egypt’s Bassem Youssef, Politics of the Arabic Language, and Videos from Syria

Al-Monitor outlines the investigation of Egypt’s beloved comedian, Bassem Youssef. Muftah discusses how nuances of the Arabic language reflect and affect the ever turbulent politics of the region. …


February 12, 2024

Palestinian Territories
Democracy and the Two-State Solution

The war in Gaza has focused attention once again on the search for solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The solution favored by the United States, the European Union, most of the world’s de…