48 Results for:

November 8, 2011

South Korea
ROK Green Growth Quarterly Update

ROK Green Growth: Looking Back on Three Years In a major speech in August 2011, President Lee Myung-bak said, "Our vision of green growth is the first time in our history where a global issue is r…

ROK Green Growth Quarterly Update header

May 2, 2012

South Korea
April 2012 South Korean Parliamentary Elections: Surprise Results and Implications

The ruling Saenuri Party won a surprise majority in South Korea's National Assembly elections last month. This victory went against all expectations. Prior to the election, experts unanimously predic…

April 2012 South Korean Parliamentary Elections header

September 21, 2012

South Korea
Where the Center Holds: The 2012 Election in Korea and U.S.-ROK Relations

Because the Republic of Korea (ROK) has a single-term, five-year presidency, presidential election cycles in South Korea rarely coincide with those of the United States. But nearly simultaneous elect…

Where the Center Holds header

January 5, 2023

Global Governance
Council of Councils Thirteenth Regional Conference

Sessions were held on the future of international cooperation, managing geopolitics and emerging health threats in the post-COVID-19 era, supply chain resilience and regional economic initiatives, pr…

Xi Jinping and Joe Biden.

April 18, 2018

Managing Global Disorder: Prospects for U.S.-China Cooperation

No major transnational problems will be solved without some cooperation between the United States and China. It is imperative that the two countries avoid a further deterioration of the relationship and instead identify areas of potential cooperation.

Donald J Trump meets Xi Jinping