70 Results for:

August 6, 2013

U.S. Policy Toward Gaza

CFR Senior Fellow Robert M. Danin leads a conversation on ending the U.S. policy of isolating Gaza, as part of CFR's Religion and Foreign Policy Conference Call series.


December 15, 2016

U.S.-Israel Relations

Robert D. Blackwill and Philip H. Gordon discuss what the U.S. and Israeli governments can do to reframe and revive the countries’ relationship.


March 19, 2014

Ethnic Tensions and Recent Developments in Russia and Ukraine

Robert D. Crews leads a conversation on how the ethnic and religious makeup of Russia and Ukraine affects the region, as part of CFR's Religion and Foreign Policy Conference Call series.


October 18, 2016

United Kingdom
Fall of the British Pound

Robert Kahn and Sebastian Mallaby discuss the recent decline in value of the British pound, the tie-in to Brexit, and the wider economic implications.


June 27, 2017

United States
Helping Those Left Behind by Rapid Economic Change: A New Deal for the Twenty-First Century

CFR fellows Edward Alden and Robert E. Litan discuss the responsibility of state and federal governments in ensuring Americans have the skills and education needed to thrive in the jobs of the future.
