158 Results for:

January 17, 2013

Israeli Elections Offer Two Paths

Just days away from parliamentary elections, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is widely expected to form a new government in coming weeks, but what that coalition will look like is still unclear, sa…

November 19, 2013

Behind the Growing U.S.-Israeli Rift

Tensions between the United States and Israel over Iran negotiations have jeopardized peace talks with Palestinians and left Israel vowing to go it alone on security if necessary, says expert Gerald …

September 23, 2009

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Obama Looking for Negotiations to Produce Lasting, Not Interim Mideast Peace Solution

CFR’s Steven A. Cook says it was significant that President Barack Obama was pressing for "permanent status negotiations" between Israel and Palestine and not another interim accord, but adds that "t…

August 30, 2010

Questionable Timing on Mideast Talks

Severe political constraints on Israeli and Palestinian leaders cloud the prospects for progress in direct talks due to start later this week, says CFR’s Steven A. Cook.

October 3, 2013

Israel’s New Mideast Pressures

Amid diplomatic challenges on Iran and Syria, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu could face conservative opposition at home for progress on peace with Palestinians, says CFR’s Robert Danin.