229 Results for:

June 13, 2024

China’s Stockpiling and Mobilization Measures for Competition and Conflict

Hearing co-chairs Commissioner Cliff Sims and Vice Chair Reva Price, Commission members, and staff, thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. I commend the Commission for calling a h…

Zongyuan Zoe Liu testifies before the USCC on China's self-sufficiency, stockpiling, and sanctions preparedness

March 25, 2009

Climate Change
U.S. National Security Interests in the Arctic

Testimony on U.S. National Security Interests in the Arctic.

September 8, 2000

United States
National Missile Defense: Test Failure and Technology Development

September 8, 2000—Mr. Chairman, members of the Subcommittee, I appreciate the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss the critical issue of National Missile Defense (NMD) technology develop…

May 15, 2008

Homeland Security
Tapping America’s Greatest National Asset: An Informed and Engaged Civil Society

Testimony on Tapping America’s Greatest National Asset: An Informed and Engaged Civil Society.

June 29, 2012

Afghan National Security Forces: Resources, Strategy, and Timetable for Security Lead Transition

In a testimony before the House Committee on Armed Services, Max Boot explains that the signing of a U.S.-Afghan Security Partnership Accord in April and the Chicago Summit Declaration in May allevia…