26 Results for:

April 14, 2011

Rule of Law
U.S.-Pakistan Relations and the Raymond Davis Crisis

Daniel Markey, Senior Fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations discusses the diplomatic spat between the United States and Pakistan over U.S. Embassy employee Ra…

June 12, 2012

Global Governance
The G20 Mexico Summit

As world leaders prepare for the Group of Twenty nations summit June 18-20 in Los Cabos, Mexico, CFR’s Stewart M. Patrick talks with Enrique Berruga of the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations about …

February 15, 2012

Global Governance
Five Things to Know About the G20

As Mexico prepares to welcome the first meeting of G20 foreign ministers this weekend, CFR’s Stewart M. Patrick highlights five things to know about the world’s steering body for global financial coo…

January 29, 2014

Defense and Security
Securing the Sochi Olympics: Three Things to Know

Sochi’s volatile surroundings, the imposing scale of the games, and the need for an international coordinated response in the event of attack present security risks for the 2014 Winter Olympics, says…

June 1, 2011

EU’s Rehn: Greek Aid Plan Days Away

European Union Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Olli Rehn expects negotiations on a new Greek aid plan between the EU, IMF, and Greek government will conclude "in the coming days," ahea…