30 Results for:

August 21, 2003

Editor Questions the Administration’s ’Misguided’ Approach in Iraq

Gideon Rose, managing editor of Foreign Affairs and a former associate director for Near East and South Asian affairs in the Clinton administration National Security Council, says the Bush administra…

October 16, 2007

Gelb: Federalism Is Most Promising Way to End Civil War in Iraq

Former CFR President Leslie H. Gelb says the plan to persuade Iraqis to accept a federal form of government is the best way to “maintain harmony among the different Iraqi groups,” although it remains…

October 27, 2009

Diplomacy and International Institutions
A Broad Dialogue With Muslims Worldwide

Farah Pandith, U.S. special representative to the world’s Muslim communities, says the new position will aim to build constructive relationships with Muslims at all levels of society to counter extre…

October 12, 2005

Elections and Voting
Lindsay: Successful Constitution Vote in Iraq Crucial to Bush Administration’s Iraq Policy

James M. Lindsay, the Council’s director of studies, says Iraq “has consumed the Bush foreign policy agenda,” and as a result, “for the administration, it’s important that [the October 15 constituti…

December 18, 2002

U.S. Still Looking for ’Smoking Gun’ to Justify Overthrow of Saddam Hussein, Says Council’s National Security Studies Director Lawrence Korb

Lawrence J. Korb, the Council’s Director of National Security Studies, asserts that the odds are about 60-40 that the U.S. will go to war against Iraq by late spring. He said that military act…