530 Results for:

November 11, 2011

Strengthening Economic Ties with Asia

A multilateral free trade deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, dominated President Obama’s agenda at the APEC summit in Hawaii. This is part of a U.S. effort to increase economic cooperation with Asi…

March 10, 2006

Sweig: Rice, Hughes Aim to Show Relations with South America "Not as Negative as they are Perceived to Be"

As Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy Karen Hughes prepare for their trip to South America, CFR Senior Fellow Julia Sweig says the United States must…

December 1, 2003

North Korea
Neocon Calls Bush’s Policy Toward North Korea ’Confused’

The Daily Yomiuri: How would you define neoconservativism?Boot: I’d have to put it in the context of the three main schools of American foreign policy. One is the realpolitik school, which holds that…

May 25, 2011

Indonesian President: ’Reforms are Painful’

Indonesia’s President Yudhoyono discusses the stresses and challenges of pursuing a path of democratization and reform, and Indonesia’s desire to play a larger role in the region and the world.

March 13, 2003

Task Force Director Says U.S. Cost of Iraqi Peace Stabalization and Reconstruction at Least $20 Billion a Year

Eric Schwartz, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations who served as director of the Council-sponsored Independent Task Force on Iraq: The Day After, says that the United States has to m…