374 Results for:

June 20, 2023

Technology and Innovation
Reporting on AI and the Future of Journalism

Dex Hunter-Torricke, head of global communications & marketing at Google DeepMind, discusses how AI technology could shape reporting the news and the role of journalists, and Benjamin Pimentel, senio…

Play Hand scrolling on computer monitor

April 7, 2022

Global Governance
Global Health Governance: Perspectives From Abroad

Ahead of the 2022 convenings of the Group of Seven (G7) and Group of Twenty (G20), our panelists discuss policy and governance challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic that pose problems for pan…

Play ANTO ANDRE, BRAZIL - MAY 17: Health care workers care for COVID-19 patients at a field hospital set up in the Pedro Dell’Antonia Sports Complex on May 17, 2021 in Santo Andre, Brazil. There are currently no ICU patients being treated in the field hospital. Health experts are warning that Brazil should brace for a new surge of COVID-19 amid a slow vaccine rollout and relaxed restrictions. The state of Sao Paulo has registered over 3 million cases of COVID-19 and more than 100,000 deaths. Over 435,000 people

May 19, 2021

The Religion Community's Role in Managing COVID-19

KIM:  Thank you. Greetings, I'm Walter Kim, president of the National Association of Evangelicals, an organization that connects forty denominations and scores of Christian institutions and ministry…

Play The Religion Community's Role in Managing COVID-19

January 22, 2018

Digital Discord: The View From Russia

A panel of Russian independent journalists and founders of digital media startups will provide their perspective on U.S. coverage of the discord between the two countries, and discuss how it relates …

Play US and Russia flags

January 21, 2020

World Economic Update

The World Economic Update highlights the quarter’s most important and emerging trends. Discussions cover changes in the global marketplace with special emphasis on current economic events and their i…

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