32 Results for:

April 11, 2014

Globalizing World Requires Transatlantic Partnership and Leadership

With the economic structural reforms enacted in many southern European countries now beginning to show results, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble joins Robert M. Kimmitt of the American Counc…


April 19, 2013

2008 Plus 5: What Has Been Achieved and What Remains to Be Done

Please join Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble for a discussion on financial market regulation and the current state of the European Union. For further reading, please visit CFR Senior Fellow Robert Kahn's blog…


April 25, 2016

Yanis Varoufakis on the Future of Greece and the Eurozone

Yanis Varoufakis discusses the Greek economy, austerity measures in the European Union, and challenges facing the Eurozone.

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September 13, 2017

The German Federal Election: Will Angela Merkel Stand Her Ground?

Experts analyze the September 24 German federal election, Angela Merkel's fight to win a fourth term as chancellor, and the implications for Germany's relations with the European Union and the United…

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November 20, 2015

Power Profile: Angela Merkel

Experts discuss the leadership style, personality, and policies of German Chancellor Angela Merkel as she navigates an escalating migration crisis and uncertainty in the eurozone.

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