68 Results for:

June 3, 2010

United States
CFR Board of Directors Appoints Gideon Rose Next Editor of Foreign Affairs

Gideon Rose, managing editor of Foreign Affairs for a decade, has been appointed by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Board of Directors to be the next editor of the magazine. He will assume the…

May 3, 2007

U.S. Must Strengthen Ties with Angola to Protect Strategic Energy and Security Interests

“Few African countries are more important to U.S. interests than Angola. The second-largest oil producer in Africa, Angola’s success or failure in transitioning from nearly thirty years of war toward…

February 14, 2008

Middle East and North Africa
Council on Foreign Relations Partners with the Saban Center at Brookings on Middle East Strategy for the Next President

Contact: CFR Communications, 212-434-9888, [email protected] Office of Communications, 202-797-6105, [email protected] The next U.S. president will face multiple challenges …

July 29, 2013

CFR President Richard N. Haass to Chair All-Party Talks in Northern Ireland

Richard N. Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), has agreed to chair the "All-Party Panel" negotiations in Northern Ireland.

February 13, 2018

United States
Walking Away From World Order: Weighing Trump’s First Year of Foreign Policy

“Nobody really knew what to expect when Donald Trump became U.S. president. Would he disrupt the status quo or maintain it? Blow himself up or escape unscathed? One year in, the answer is yes,” write…

FA MA 2018 Cover