36 Results for:

February 19, 2014

Countering Terrorism: An Institution-Building Approach for Yemen

Benn Steil and Dinah Walker argue that the ECB's bank stress tests will roil rather than calm markets if recapitalization funds are not set aside in advance, as they were in the case of the highly successful U.S. tests in 2009.

Countering Terrorism header

September 22, 2014

South Korea
Breaking the Stalemate in U.S.-ROK Nuclear Cooperation Negotiations

A dispute over whether South Korea (ROK) should have the right to enrich and reprocess U.S.-origin nuclear fuels has led to a deadlock in talks on a new bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement. Failu…

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October 2, 2012

Rule of Law
A Global Trust for Rule of Law

The rule of law is critical for people to have a meaningful opportunity to thrive. Still, for billions of people around the world today, the rule of law exists on paper but not in practice. Even thou…

A Global Trust for Rule of Law header

January 13, 2014

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations: Aiming "Low" or "High"

The Obama administration is fostering Israeli-Palestinian negotiations aimed at a full and final peace agreement. While the talks last they help calm the regional political situation, but they do not…

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June 22, 2016

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Reconfiguring USAID for State-Building

Nation-building abroad has become a neuralgic term in American politics. Opposition to nation-building abroad is one of the few things that President Barack Obama and Donald Trump can agree on. And y…

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