80 Results for:

February 1, 2008

United States
Financial Statecraft

Teaching Notes on Financial Statecraft: The Role of Financial Markets in American Foreign Policy by CFR Senior Fellow Benn Steil and co-author Robert E. Litan.


November 1, 2017

United States
VICE Special Report: A World in Disarray

Teaching Notes for the VICE Special Report from HBO based on the book A World in Disarray written by CFR President Richard Haass.

VICE Special Report: A World in Disarray

October 29, 2020

U.S. Foreign Policy

In his new book, Isolationism: A History of America’s Efforts to Shield Itself From the World, CFR Senior Fellow Charles A. Kupchan explores the nation's past to uncover the ideological and political…

CFR Teaching Notes for Isolationism by Charles A. Kupchan

September 10, 2013

Europe and Eurasia
The Battle of Bretton Woods

Teaching Notes on The Battle of Bretton Woods by CFR Senior Fellow Benn Steil.


June 14, 2018

A Great Place to Have a War

Teaching Notes for A Great Place to Have a War, written by CFR Senior Fellow Joshua Kurlantzick, on the story of the CIA's covert war in Laos during the Vietnam War.

A Great Place to Have a War Teaching Notes