98 Results for:

September 24, 1999

United States
Arming the Future Press Release

August 10, 1999, New York City—The end of the Cold War created a crisis for the American military industrial complex, as procurement spending dropped by over 60% in a decade and the export market imp…

September 10, 2004

New Economic Groups Needed to Replace Increasingly Obsolete G7, Concludes New Report on Economic and Financial Cooperation

September 10, 2004—The current structure for international economic and financial coordination is inadequate and needs fixing, including replacing an increasingly obsolete G7 with several new interna…

November 25, 2013

Defense and Security
U.S. Troops Required Post-2014 to Curb al-Qaeda’s Resurgence in Afghanistan, Recommends New CFR Report

RAND Corporation’s Seth G. Jones and Keith Crane explain in a new Council Special Report from the Center for Preventive Action how the United States should manage the complex political, security, and…

January 7, 2003

United States
Republicans Gingrich and Zakheim and Democrats Young and Wilson to Debate Foreign Policy Les Gelb to moderate discussion sponsored by 12 groups Students also to debate foreign policy

For further information contact: April Wahlestedt, Director of Communications (212) 434-9544 Erin Eizenstat, Communications Coordinator, at 212-434-9536   October 23, 2000, New York City –…

May 20, 2015

Sub-Saharan Africa
Increase U.S. Presence in African Peace Operations, Argues Author of New CFR Report

With nearly 110,000 uniformed deployed “blue helmets” worldwide, the number of UN peacekeepers at a record high and most are in Africa. Paul D. Williams argues that increased U.S. involvement and lea…