22 Results for:

March 5, 2018

Renewable Energy
Without Significant New Investment in Innovation, Solar Energy’s Growth Will Stall

March 5, 2018—Solar energy could one day supply most of the world’s energy needs, but its current upsurge is in danger of ebbing, increasing the risk of catastrophic climate change. While solar energ…

Taming the Sun: Innovations to Harness Solar Energy and Power the Planet, by Varun Sivaram

March 7, 2017

Security Alliances
U.S. Should Support NATO and Offer Reassurances to Russia, Says New Council Special Report

“[Vladimir] Putin’s aggression makes the possibility of a war in Europe between nuclear-armed adversaries frighteningly real,” writes Kimberly Marten in a new Council Special Report on tensions betwe…

September 25, 2002

United States
Invasion the Only Realistic Option to Head Off the Threat from Iraq, Argues Kenneth Pollack in The Threatening Storm

  Contact: Lisa Shields, Director of Communications, 212-434-9888   New York, September 25, 2002 - To prevent the near certainty that Saddam Hussein will acquire nuclear weapons, the Uni…

October 14, 2009

Climate Change
CFR’s Washington, DC, Building Awarded LEED Gold Certification

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is proud to announce that its new Washington, DC, building was awarded LEED® gold certification by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and was verified by t…

March 28, 2006

Technology and Innovation
Probability of a Nuclear Attack by Terrorists Has Increased, Warns Council Report

While the "threat of a nuclear attack by terrorists has never been greater," the U.S. government has yet to make prevention the highest priority, says a new Council on Foreign Relations report that o…