207 Results for:

November 14, 2005

United States
Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin Selected to Head the Council’s Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies and to Hold the Paul A. Volcker Chair in International Economics

November 14, 2005—Council President Richard N. Haass has named Douglas Holtz-Eakin, current director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the new director of the Council’s Maurice R. Greenberg C…

October 26, 2004

Council Senior Fellow for Global Health Laurie Garrett Recognized for Her Contribution to the Fight Against AIDS

Contact: Marie X. Strauss, Communications, +1-212-434-9536, [email protected].   October 26, 2004—Council Fellow and Pulitzer Prize-winner Laurie Garrett was one of the individuals recogni…

February 1, 2016

United States
New CFR Ebook Evaluates U.S. Economic Competitiveness

A new Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) ebook, How America Stacks Up: Economic Competitiveness and U.S. Policy, examines how the United States has responded to global economic competition and benchm…

October 29, 2015

United States
U.S. Must Invest in Scientific Research to Keep Innovation Edge, According to New CFR Report

Although the United States leads the world in technology innovation, it may fall behind if the government does not address emerging gaps in innovation policy and invest more in scientific research, a…

October 11, 2006

United States
U.S. Energy Dependence Undercutting U.S. National Security, Council Task Force Warns

America’s dependence on imported energy increases its strategic vulnerability and constrains its ability to pursue foreign policy and national security objectives, finds a Council-sponsored Independe…