22 Results for:

January 8, 2009

North Korea
Can the United States Cause the Collapse of North Korea? Should We Try?

In this brief analysis, I attempt to answer two questions: Can the United States cause the collapse of North Korea? Should we try? I have proceeded under the assumption that the answer t…

June 25, 2013

Transnational Crime
The Global Regime for Transnational Crime

This page is part of the Global Governance Monitor. Scope of the Challenge Over the past two decades, as the world economy has globalized, so has its illicit counterpart. The global impact of t…


June 28, 2013

South Korea
Nuclear Power in South Korea’s Green Growth Strategy

Introduction Nuclear power has been an important, if understated, aspect of South Korea's National Strategy for Green Growth, a set of policies reflecting the idea that economic growth and environ…

Nuclear Power in  South Korea’s Green Growth Strategy header

December 21, 2009

Oceans and Seas
The Global Oceans Regime

This page is part of the multimedia Global Governance Monitor. Scope of the Challenge Oceans are the source of life on earth. They shape the climate, feed the world, and cleanse the air we brea…


March 30, 2009

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
The Global Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime

This page is part of the multimedia Global Governance Monitor. Scope of the Challenge Nuclear weapons proliferation, whether by state or nonstate actors, poses one of the greatest threats to in…
