20 Results for:

March 27, 2019

China’s Belt and Road Gets a Win in Italy

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s signature project, the Belt and Road Initiative, got a boost when Italy became the first major European country to join. What was behind Italy’s decision and what might it mean for allies in the United States and the EU?

Christian Minelli/Getty Images

September 20, 2019

Climate Change
UN Climate Summit: What to Know

Plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions and reach carbon neutrality, to be announced during the 2019 summit, could be an important milestone in the global fight against climate change.

August 16, 2018

Nord Stream 2: Is Germany ‘Captive’ to Russian Energy?

President Trump has targeted Germany over its supposed dependence on Russian natural gas, and the proposed Nord Stream 2 is dividing the EU. What’s in store for Europe’s pipeline politics?

Nord Stream 2 pipes

September 21, 2018

Europe Wrestles With Hungary’s Populist Challenge

The European Parliament’s vote to reprimand Hungary over its growing authoritarianism has tested the EU’s readiness to stand up to illiberalism within the bloc.

anti orban protesters

May 21, 2021

Climate Change
How Cutting Methane Emissions Can Move the Needle on Climate Change

Reducing global emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, could provide one quick win in the fight against climate change.