344 Results for:

September 27, 2023

What Ukraine Needs to Win the War Against Russia

If Western allies fail to send Ukraine the weapons it needs, the odds increase of the war dragging on indefinitely, at a terrible cost to both Ukraine and Russia and a growing risk to the wider world…

April 16, 2024

What Is the Extent of Sudan’s Humanitarian Crisis?

A year into the civil war in Sudan, more than eight million people have been displaced, exacerbating an already devastating humanitarian crisis.

March 23, 2024

Moscow Attack Shows Troubling, Lethal Reach of ISIS

The mass casualty theater attack in Moscow was a reminder that affiliates of the Islamic State have reorganized and infiltrated even powerful states.

March 25, 2022

United Kingdom
Queen Elizabeth II Is the Monarch of Fifteen Countries. What Does That Mean?

Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch of fourteen countries in addition to the United Kingdom. Barbados’s transition to a republic has revived debate over the future of the Crown.

February 17, 2024

A Resilient Ukraine Faces Defeat if U.S. Aid Falters

A failure by the United States to continue military aid to Ukraine would spell disaster for Ukraine and its Western allies while emboldening Russia and other potential aggressors.

April 3, 2024

Thirty Years After Rwanda’s Genocide: Where the Country Stands Today

After the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, the country has made tremendous strides toward peace and development. But critics say these have come at the cost of political freedoms.   

April 20, 2023

United States
How to Prepare for the Future After Seven Decades of the U.S.-South Korea Alliance

The United States and South Korea are marking their seventy-year alliance with a state visit amid tighter defense collaboration. But the alliance “forged in blood” should now evolve to be powered by chips, batteries, and clean technology.