45 Results for:

September 17, 2021

European Union
Merkel’s Legacy and the Future of Germany

With Chancellor Angela Merkel stepping down after sixteen years in office, the leadership of Germany, and the EU, is wide open. What is Merkel’s legacy, and what comes next?

June 14, 2019

Where Will Islamic State Detainees End Up?

With the Islamic State’s retreat, thousands of people who left their countries to join the terrorist group are being detained in camps and prisons. Many governments are not willing to take them back…

A woman is pictured at al-Hol camp in northeastern Syria.

March 27, 2019

China’s Belt and Road Gets a Win in Italy

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s signature project, the Belt and Road Initiative, got a boost when Italy became the first major European country to join. What was behind Italy’s decision and what might it mean for allies in the United States and the EU?

Christian Minelli/Getty Images

May 17, 2019

European Union
Why the European Parliament Elections Matter

Populist parties are looking to make big gains in European Parliament elections. That could disrupt EU policy on issues from trade to migration.

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini at a rally.

September 20, 2019

Climate Change
UN Climate Summit: What to Know

Plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions and reach carbon neutrality, to be announced during the 2019 summit, could be an important milestone in the global fight against climate change.