32 Results for:

January 25, 2024

Somaliland: The Horn of Africa’s Breakaway State

The would-be independent state strikes a contrast with Somalia as a place of relative stability, and despite its lack of international recognition, Somaliland continues to push its own foreign policy…

A statue of a hand painted in the colors of Somaliland's flag holds a map of the territory.

October 26, 2023

What to Know About the Arab Citizens of Israel

Arabs represent one-fifth of Israel’s population. Systemic discrimination, outbreaks of communal violence, and the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict continue to strain their ties with Israel’s Jew…

Arab citizens of Israel stand near demolished houses in the northern city of Qalansawe in January 2017.

December 6, 2022


Al-Shabaab remains capable of carrying out massive attacks in Somalia and nearby countries despite a long-running African Union offensive against the Islamist terrorist group.

A military spokesman for al-Shabaab issues a statement in front of several fighters bearing arms.

December 10, 2008

Saudi Arabia and the Future of Afghanistan

U.S. experts say any new approach to bringing stability to Afghanistan must be regional in scope. Saudi Arabia, with historic ties to the Taliban and Afghan Pashtuns, could hold a principle seat at t…

April 20, 2011

Islam and Politics in Pakistan

Pakistan is bracing for more turbulence in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s killing. This Backgrounder looks at how state support for Islamist militants has led to growing religious intolerance in socie…