39 Results for:

December 4, 2009

Energy and Climate Policy
Copenhagen’s Many Agendas

The UN conference on climate change that begins December 7 in Copenhagen is supposed to produce new targets for emissions reductions, but experts say major countries are at odds on the ultimate goal …

September 30, 2014

Energy and Climate Policy
U.S. Energy Exports

Calls for lifting U.S. controls on energy exports are mounting as production nears a forty-five-year high.

An oil rig in North Dakota.

June 24, 2010

International Organizations
The G20’s Twenty Agendas

The G20 meetings in Toronto will be marked by competing agendas on global growth and financial regulations. This Backgrounder looks at the range of policy concerns.

February 22, 2007

China’s Anti-Satellite Test

China’s anti-satellite test in January drew international condemnation but also piqued interest in some quarters about instituting a space weapons ban.

January 25, 2008

G8’s Gradual Move toward Post-Kyoto Climate Change Policy

G8 members offer a mixed picture on meeting Kyoto Protocol targets. The United States continues to refuse ratification.