12 Results for:

December 22, 2023

Venezuela: The Rise and Fall of a Petrostate

Venezuela’s ongoing descent into economic and political chaos is a cautionary tale of the dangerous influence that resource wealth can have on developing countries.

People walk past an oil-themed mural in Caracas, Venezuela.

February 2, 2023

China’s Massive Belt and Road Initiative

China’s colossal infrastructure investments may usher in a new era of trade and growth for economies in Asia and beyond. But skeptics worry that China is laying a debt trap for borrowing governments…

Aerial view of a railway that cuts through lush Indonesian jungle.

April 16, 2020

Singapore: A Small Asian Heavyweight

Singapore, one of the world’s wealthiest and most trade-dependent countries, punches above its weight in regional and global affairs.

Edgar Su/Reuters

February 3, 2009

Defense and Security
China’s Military Power

China’s growing military capabilities pose a concern for U.S. security interests. Experts say the United States must push for greater engagement with China’s military to reduce the potential for misu…

September 28, 2007

The Iraq Data Debate: Civilian Casualties from 2006 to 2007

Gen. David Petraeus’ assertions about falling casualties in Iraq are supported by a range of objective sources. But his testimony to Congress does not establish whether the decline is attributable to…