80 Results for:

February 3, 2005

IRAQ: America’s Rationale for War

This publication is now archived. Before the war started, did the U.S. have a "smoking gun" that proved Iraq had weapons of mass destruction? No. United Nations weapons inspectors discovered th…

February 16, 2005

IRAQ: U.S.-Turkey Relations

This publication is now archived. How strained are U.S.-Turkey relations?They are very strained. The Bush administration was stunned by the Turkish Parliament’s March 1 decision to deny the United St…

February 16, 2005

North Korea
NORTH KOREA: Parallel to Iraq?

This publication is now archived. Why does the United States treat North Korea differently from Iraq?Bush administration officials argue that North Korea and Iraq--both rogue states pursuing worrisom…

February 16, 2005

IRAQ: International Peacekeepers

This publication is now archived. What’s preventing other nations from sending troops to stabilize Iraq?A key reason is that many nations--particularly those that opposed the war--are reluctant to se…

March 9, 2007

Timeline: U.S.-Iran Contacts

Since cutting ties in 1979, U.S.-Iran dialogue has been sparse and largely fruitless.