59 Results for:

June 19, 2008

Religion and Politics in Iran

Religion’s place in the Iranian political system has long been debated among scholars, but a president who blurs the line has refocused attention on the topic

July 28, 2014

Mujahadeen-e-Khalq (MEK)

The Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, an exiled Iranian resistance group, continues to stir controversy despite its removal from a U.S. terrorism list.

MEK Iran

August 22, 2006

Christian Evangelicals and U.S. Foreign Policy

Evangelical Christians have been a force in U.S. society dating back to the nineteenth century. But experts say in recent years their influence on U.S. foreign policy has grown, from humanitarian act…

November 1, 2006

Russia-Iran Arms Trade

The flow of Russian conventional weapons to Iran—notably sophisticated surface-to-air defense missiles—has increased markedly of late, complicating U.S.-led efforts to tamp Tehran’s nuclear ambitions.

March 9, 2007

Timeline: U.S.-Iran Contacts

Since cutting ties in 1979, U.S.-Iran dialogue has been sparse and largely fruitless.