39 Results for:

February 17, 2006

U.S. Soft Diplomacy in Iran

This publication is now archived. IntroductionAs the international standoff over Iran’s nuclear program intensifies, U.S. officials have struggled to find solutions. Although it looks increasingly li…

May 5, 2006

What Sanctions Mean for Iran’s Economy

As UN Security Council members mull sanctions against Tehran, experts say such a move, even with climbing oil prices, could deal a devastating blow to Iran’s economy.

April 7, 2006

Iran’s Multifaceted Foreign Policy

Contrary to conventional wisdom, Iranian foreign policy is not the province of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but rather of a complex set of groups mostly run by clerics. This results in a foreign po…

March 30, 2009

Iran and the Future of Afghanistan

U.S. and Western military officials are calling on Iran to help stabilize Afghanistan, but historic tensions and allegations of arming militants raise doubts about Tehran’s intent.

February 16, 2005

IRAQ: Resistance to U.S. Forces

This publication is now archived. How organized are the ongoing attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq?There are some signs that Iraqi resistance is growing increasingly organized, though experts caution tha…