17 Results for:

April 7, 2016

Iran’s ‘Resistance Economy’ Debate

In the wake of the Iran nuclear deal, debate has revived in the regime over how far to open up to outside trade and finance. It has become a struggle over Iran’s identity.

December 30, 2008

A Smarter Intelligence Policy

Despite its past failings, the intelligence community must be encouraged to craft critical assessments without fear of political interference, writes CFR Intelligence Fellow Frank Procida.

October 1, 2012

Political Movements
South Africa’s Eroding ’Grand Bargain’

The miners’ strike reveals the growing frustration over the political bargain that ended apartheid but did little to ease systematic economic inequalities, writes CFR’s John Campbell.

December 11, 2008

Mumbai: A Battle in the War for Pakistan

The terror attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai represent an escalation in Pakistan’s battle between the forces of extremism and moderation, writes CFR’s Daniel Markey.