28 Results for:

September 13, 2007

Climate Change
Chandler: More Flexibility Needed for Effective Emissions Cap-and-Trade Policy

William Chandler, senior policy analyst for energy and climate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, says that emissions-trading programs have achieved mixed results and should be readju…

March 7, 2008

Luers: Possible Solution for U.S.-Iran Nuclear Standoff

William Luers, former U.S. envoy to Venezuela and Czechoslovakia, discusses his proposed multilateral nuclear-enrichment plan, which he believes could end the current Iranian nuclear crisis.

August 8, 2007

Schaffer: Pakistan Facing Question on How to Handle Extremists

Teresita C. Schaffer, a former State Department official with extensive experience in South Asia, says the violence that has spread in Pakistan since President Pervez Musharraf ordered a crackdown on…

March 28, 2007

Perkovich: Continued Pressure on Iran May Lead to Nuclear Concessions

George Perkovich, a leading expert on Iran and nuclear nonproliferation issues, says there is no question that Iran has not complied yet with the IAEA investigation into its nuclear activities despit…