502 Results for:

May 10, 2017

After Macron Win, Political Challenges Await

Political newcomer Emmanuel Macron won a decisive victory in France's presidential elections, but the new president will face major challenges to forming a governing coalition.

October 24, 2012

Economic Crises
The Growing Franco-German Divide

Unlike Germany, France under the leadership of François Hollande has failed to articulate a long-term vision for Europe, says the Peterson Institute’s Jacob Funk Kirkegaard.

June 3, 2016

Too Soon to Rekindle Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process?

Domestic pressures facing Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas mean France’s bid to reboot Israeli-Palestinian negotiations will likely be a nonstarter, says CFR’s Robert Danin. 

April 4, 2011

Libya’s Strains on NATO

France, Britain, and other NATO nations are now heading the Libya mission, but strains among members could be amplified if NATO tries to increase support for the rebels and the coalition still hasn’t…

April 7, 2006

Kupchan: French Demonstrations Symptoms of ‘Greatest Political Crisis’ in Europe Since World War II

Charles A. Kupchan, CFR’s top expert on Europe, says the continuing demonstrations and protests over an attempt to change the labor hiring laws in France are only symptomatic of a wider political cri…