1,866 Results for:

November 29, 2006

Palestinian Territories
Siegman: Olmert’s Latest Speech Marks New Conciliatory Tone to Palestinians But ‘Magic Word’ Missing

Henry Siegman, a leading expert on Israeli-Palestinian affairs, says Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s recent speech reflected a “surprisingly radical change in tone,” but in substance “it’s quite true th…

January 11, 2008

United States
Gause: Saudis ’Very Anxious’ to Hear Bush Views on Iran

F. Gregory Gause III, a leading expert on Saudi Arabia, says Saudi leaders share U.S. concerns about Iran but would also like to see Iraq’s prime minister deposed.

April 1, 2008

United States
The Capital Interview: General William Lord on Cyberspace and the Future of Warfare

The U.S. Air Force is standing up a dedicated command to coordinate offensive and defensive cyber strategy within the Pentagon.

October 21, 2008

The Trouble with the U.S.-Iraq Pact; Saudis Broker Taliban-Karzai Talks

F. Gregory Gause III, a leading expert on Iraq and Saudi Arabia, says a lack of leadership among Iraq’s Shiite politicians is holding up approval of a U.S.-Iraqi security pact. He also talks about ne…

January 6, 2006

International Law
U.S. Supreme Court and Foreign Policy

The U.S. Supreme Court will have two new faces when it next convenes. This shake-up occurs at a time when the Court’s decisions could have a substantial impact on issues of foreign policy and nationa…