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December 10, 2007

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Steinberg: Alarm Subsiding in Israel on Intelligence Estimate on Iran

Gerald M. Steinberg, an Israeli-American national security expert, says the initial Israeli alarm over the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran’s nuclear weapons program has eased.

August 4, 2008

Muddled Israeli Political Picture Could Keep Olmert in Power

Gerald M. Steinberg, an expert on Israeli politics, says Prime Minister Ehud Olmert could remain in office well beyond his planned resignation next month.

February 20, 2009

Prospects for a Centrist ’Grand Coalition’ in Israel

Gerald Steinberg, an adviser to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, says many in Israel, himself included, would prefer that Benjamin Netanyahu, the head of the Likud Party, form a "a broad, centrist-based…

January 3, 2007

Heads of State and Government
Dallek: Historians Will Regard Ford as ‘Distinctly Minor President’

Robert Dallek, a prominent historian on the American presidency, says that historians will remember President Gerald R. Ford as “a distinctly minor figure,” in part because he was in office for such …

December 12, 2006

Steinberg: Israel Sees Diplomatic Proposals in Baker-Hamilton Report a Rerun of ‘Failed’ Policies of Past

primeGerald Steinberg, a consultant to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Security Council, who specializes in Middle East diplomatic and security issues, says that sections in the Baker-Ham…