244 Results for:

June 26, 2002

Youssef Ibrahim and Henry Siegman discuss the Middle East Crisis

The Charlie Rose ShowThis transcript has not been checked against videotape and cannot, for that reason, be guaranteed as to accuracy of speakers and spelling of names. (TW) CHARLIE ROSE, Host: Welco…

June 13, 2006

Henry Farrell: Airline Passenger Data Dispute is Merely "An Internal EU Dust-Up"

Henry Farrell, a political science assistant professor at The George Washington University, says the European Court of Justice’s recent ruling against an agreement with the United States to share air…

November 5, 2002

Middle East and North Africa
Scant Prospects for Israeli-Palestinian Progress, Says Council’s U.S./Middle East Project Director Henry Siegman

Henry Siegman, a top Council on Foreign Relations expert on Israeli-Palestinian affairs, offers “a very gloomy prognosis” for peace talks after the collapse of Israel’s national unity government. He …

August 17, 2006

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Al-Qaeda Crippled But Resilient

Former U.S. counterterrorism coordinator Henry A. Crumpton says al-Qaeda is still capable of inspiring attacks.

December 11, 2006

International Organizations
Hyde Cites Unfinished Business on UN Reform, Public Diplomacy

The retiring chairman of the House International Relations Committee, Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL), says Washington needs to be tough on reforming the United Nations. He also urges the new Democratic major…