30 Results for:

May 28, 2003

U.N. Expert Says Security Council Resolution on Iraq Creates a ’One-Man Show’

William J. Durch, senior associate of the Henry L. Stimson Center in Washington and an advocate of a more prominent role for the United Nations in postwar Iraq, says that the latest Security Council…

November 12, 2008

United States
Presidents and the National Security Council

President-elect Barack Obama assembles his national security team at a time when responsibility for foreign policymaking has shifted increasingly to the White House, says Carnegie Endowment scholar D…

October 2, 2003

Asmus: U.S.-NATO Gap Over Iraq Narrows Slightly

Ronald D. Asmus, a former deputy assistant secretary of state for European affairs in the Clinton administration and an expert on NATO, says that an “important first step” toward healing t…

May 9, 2006

United States
Betts: Hayden Likely to Be Pressed in Confirmation Hearing on Wiretapping Issue

Richard K. Betts, a CFR expert on the intelligence community, says that he sees no reason that the nomination of General Michael V. Hayden to head the Central Intelligence Agency should be blocked by…

November 9, 2006

United States
Trainor: Rumsfeld Likely to Leave ‘Very Negative’ Legacy as Defense Secretary

Retired Marine Lieut. Gen. Bernard E. Trainor, who has coauthored a book on the planning for the Iraq war, says that departing Secretary of Defense Donald M. Rumsfeld will probably leave a “negative …