520 Results for:

March 30, 2011

After Fukushima, Examining Nuclear Power Safety

Nuclear expert John Ahearne says critics should be careful about drawing conclusions when so much remains unknown, but regulators will need to proceed with safety reviews to bolster public confidence.

October 2, 2009

Diplomacy and International Institutions
The Road Ahead for U.S.-Iran Relations

Following the high-level U.S.-Iran talks, Iran expert John Limbert says it is possible that the way is being cleared for an eventual long-term dialogue between the two nations but nonetheless urges c…

September 19, 2007

U.S. Special Envoy Cites Widespread ’Lack of Confidence’ in Somali Government

Ambassador John M. Yates, U.S. special envoy to Somalia, says the security situation remains dismal in Mogadishu and the Somali people lack confidence in the Transitional Federal Government.

December 3, 2007

Walsh: Venezuelan Vote a ‘Victory’ for Democracy

John M. Walsh of the Washington Office on Latin America says the failure of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s major reform proposals at the polls was a surprise, and represents a “heavy defeat.”

October 9, 2007

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Kiriakou: Afghanistan ’A Mess’

John Kiriakou, a former CIA anti-terrorism official based in Pakistan, says the situation in Afghanistan has worsened in the past couple of years and life in Kabul has become much more perilous.