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February 6, 2018

The Mixed Record of Sports Diplomacy

While sports may temporarily transcend divisions in society, events like the Olympics rarely serve to advance countries’ diplomatic aims.

East Germany was a perennial powerhouse at winter games, including the 1988 Calgary games where it won gold and bronze in the women’s 1000 meters Speedskating event.

June 22, 2018

How the UAE Wields Power in Yemen

The Gulf nation’s ground troops have cultivated alliances in Yemen with local armed groups, but its ability to shape the civil war’s outcome is limited.

An Emirati soldier escorts Yemen's prime minister in the port city of Mukha.

October 28, 2015

A U.S. Naval Signal in the South China Sea

A U.S. destroyer’s recent operation demonstrates how the United States is protecting its interests in the South China Sea, says Capt. Sean Liedman, CFR’s Navy fellow.

December 1, 2017

How the Saudi Blockade Threatens Famine in Yemen

Averting famine will require Saudi Arabia to permit the resumption of commercial shipping of food and fuel to the besieged country.

Shipping to the Red Sea port of Hodeidah has been largely cut off.

March 22, 2011

United States
Disaster Relief in a Dangerous World

The U.S. Navy’s maritime strategy, in which humanitarian missions play a prominent role, is based on a debatable assumption that credible enemies have largely disappeared and that competition of the …