2,690 Results for:

August 10, 2005

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Interview with Major Isaiah Wilson III on Pentagon reform

The Defense Department has developed war plans to thwart terrorist attacks within the United States, raising the possibility that ground troops may be dispatched on U.S. soil in the event of an emerg…

November 21, 2005

Elections and Voting
Stern: New German ‘Grand Coalition’ Government a Major, Positive Achievement

Fritz Stern, a leading historian on Germany, says the coming to power in Germany of a so-called Grand Coalition between the rival Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Social Democratic Party (SPD), i…

August 18, 2005

Islamic Law Expert Lombardi: Even With Constitution, Iraq Faces Major Crises

Clark Lombardi, an assistant professor of law at the University of Washington School of Law and expert on Islamic and constitutional law, says the role of religion in a future Iraq and federalism rem…

August 8, 2005

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Pritchard: Latest Talks on North Korea ‘Successful’ Due to Major Changes by United States

Charles L. (Jack) Pritchard, a former top U.S. negotiator with North Korea, who quit the State Department in protest against the Bush administration’s reluctance to deal directly with North Korea, sa…

January 28, 2003

General Bernard E. Trainor Sees War with Iraq Starting by Mid-March and Ending with Quick U.S.-led Victory

Bernard E. Trainor, a retired three-star Marine general and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, says a war against Iraq could start in the period from late February to the middle of…