496 Results for:

March 1, 2012

North Korea
Wary Steps Forward With North Korea

North Korea’s agreement to freeze nuclear activities and allow in inspectors, while stirring hopes, echoes past deals that have failed to initiate a sustained denuclearization program, says expert Ma…

October 19, 2007

Haass: In Pakistan, Radicalism Is ’Spreading’

After a recent trip to Pakistan, CFR President Richard N. Haass says there is a good chance for considerable political change in that country, but warns that extremists are beginning to spread out in…

November 9, 2011

A Troubling Shift in Iran’s Nuclear Program

The UN nuclear agency’s latest report contains no "gotcha" disclosures about Iran’s nuclear capability but creates a clear impression of a weapons program in the works, says expert Mark Hibbs.

March 11, 2011

United States
Radicalization and U.S. Muslims

The Muslim community has played an integral role in U.S. counterterrorism efforts, and congressional hearings on radicalization of Muslims risk polarizing a considerable asset for law enforcement, sa…

January 19, 2010

Rebuilding Haiti: The Work of Decades

Haiti’s earthquake created a need for a tremendous short-term relief effort but also long-term reconstruction that could take decades and cost billions, says former Peace Corps director Mark L. Schne…