130 Results for:

May 25, 2006

Kerr: U.S. Should Offer Not to Seek Iran Regime Change

Paul Kerr, a nonproliferation expert for the Arms Control Association, says any international deal worked out with Iran should include a pledge by the United States not to seek regime change in Iran …

June 8, 2006

Bremer: Zarqawi’s Death a ’Very Important Moment’ in War on Terrorism

L. Paul Bremer, who headed the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq after Saddam’s ouster, says the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is a " very important moment" in the war on terrorism and the ef…

April 11, 2003

Middle East Expert Says U.S. Faces ‘Tall Order’ in Forming New Iraq

Fouad Ajami, director of Middle East Studies at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, says that the United States needs “a crash course” i…

January 6, 2003

North Korea
U.S. ‘No Talk’ Policy With N. Korea ‘Ineffective,’ Says Oberdorfer

The Bush administration’s refusal to talk to North Korea is “a mistake,” says Korea expert Don Oberdorfer in an interview with Bernard Gwertzman, consulting editor for cfr.org. D…

December 29, 2011

Elections and Voting
Kicking off the 2012 GOP Contest

Looking ahead to the Iowa caucuses and upcoming primaries in January, CFR’s James Lindsay says Republican candidates are taking aim at President Obama’s foreign policies, yet it’s unclear what they w…