200 Results for:

February 5, 2003

Timetable for Possible War Against Iraq Could Slip Beyond March, Peters Says

Michael P. Peters, a career army officer and executive vice president and director of studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, says that Secretary of State Colin Powell’s February 5 present…

March 7, 2003

Peters Says Some 100,000 Troops May Be Needed for Occupation Duty in Iraq

Michael P. Peters, executive vice president of the Council on Foreign Relations, says that, if the United States invades Iraq without the backing of major allies or the Security Council, “it co…

September 21, 2005

Interview with William L. Nash on the U.S. military’s strategy in Iraq

Top U.S. military commanders in Iraq have called recent efforts to sweep insurgent strongholds in Tal Afar and elsewhere “great successes.” But some insurgency experts dispute that claim, arguing tha…

March 3, 2004

Iraq: Shrines Bombed

A wave of fiery explosions in and around Shiite Muslim shrines in Baghdad and Karbala killed scores of Iraqis Tuesday, turning a day of pilgrimage and worship for millions into one of the worst days…

October 12, 2005

Interview with William Milam on Kashmir’s prospects for peace after Pakistan’s earthquake

India and Pakistan have disputed the mountainous territory of Kashmir since the end of British colonialism led to independence and the partition of the two states in 1947. India controls about 55,000…