20 Results for:

November 24, 2008

NATO Foreign Ministers Unlikely to Push Georgia, Ukraine Membership

Robert E. Hunter, who was U.S. ambassador to NATO during the Clinton administration, says he does not expect NATO foreign ministers to enlarge the alliance to include Georgia or Ukraine at the next m…

November 12, 2010

Rethinking an Afghanistan Exit Strategy

Pakistan’s instability, a Taliban insurgency, and growing skepticism in the United States argue for an earlier drawing-down of forces from Afghanistan if there’s no progress, says Richard Armitage, c…

June 28, 2013

United States
Extraditing Edward Snowden

Whether NSA leaker Edward Snowden is extradited to the United States will hinge more on diplomatic relations than international legal considerations, says expert Stephen Vladeck.

December 4, 2001

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Gideon Rose: Why Did September 11 Happen?

Gideon Rose is the managing editor of Foreign Affairs magazine. His recently-released book, How Did This Happen: Terrorism and the New War is a collection of essays from experts in the areas of inter…

January 6, 2006

International Law
U.S. Supreme Court and Foreign Policy

The U.S. Supreme Court will have two new faces when it next convenes. This shake-up occurs at a time when the Court’s decisions could have a substantial impact on issues of foreign policy and nationa…