3,183 Results for:

August 1, 2007

Middle East and North Africa
Wittes: U.S. Assuring Arab States It Will Remain a Force in Mideast Post-Iraq

Tamara Cofman Wittes, an expert on Middle East politics, says the current unprecedented trip by Secretary of State Rice and Secretary of Defense Gates to the Middle East is meant to assure moderate A…

July 12, 2016

Islamic State
Does Iraq Have a Plan for After the Islamic State?

Even as Iraqi special forces and Shia militias roll back the self-proclaimed Islamic State, Baghdad has done little to address the underlying causes of Sunni militancy.

November 6, 2009

Rethinking a Two-State Solution

At a time of renewed scrutiny of U.S. policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, veteran Middle East expert Robert Malley, who served as special assistant for Arab-Israeli affairs for President …

May 21, 2008

Is a Pakistan Truce Good for the United States?

Daniel Markey, a former State Department specialist on South Asia, says the United States should be concerned about the truce talks between Pakistan’s army and tribal leaders.

March 12, 2012

United Kingdom
How to Read the British State Visit

Afghanistan, Syria, and Iran top the agenda during British Prime Minister David Cameron’s visit to Washington this week. CFR’s Charles Kupchan notes an alignment of views on those issues but growing …