65 Results for:

March 26, 1999

Testimony on the Situation in Afghanistan Before the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

Recent Events and Political Actors in AfghanistanFor policy recommendations, see text of oral testimony1. INTRODUCTION: SUMMARY OVERVIEW1On August 8, 1998, the Taliban (Islamic student) movement of A…

August 13, 2015

Iran and the New Middle East in the Aftermath of the Nuclear Agreement

In his testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Ray Takeyh argues that there is precedent for Congress turning down agreements until a better draft is negotiated as in the case of arms c…

March 26, 1999

Statement on the Situation in Afghanistan Before the Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs

Mr. Chairman, thank you for this invitation, and thank you for your continuing work to focus attention on Afghanistan. I have brought a written submission for the record providing background in…

January 31, 2007

Understanding the Iran Crisis

Prepared Testimony before the House Committee on Foreign AffairsFrom the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction to terrorism, from human rights to democratization, the Islamic Republic of Iran …

July 20, 2006

Iran’s Nuclear Impasse: The Next Steps

Iran’s Nuclear Impasse: The Next Steps More than any other issue, the nuclear question has exposed the divisions within the clerical establishment’s over Iran’s international orientation. To be sure…