24 Results for:

January 23, 2007

Grand Strategy
The Iraq War

Text as delivered; no prepared statement Mr. Chairman, Mr. Former Chairman, members of the committee, permit me a moment of reflection. I know well the bipartisan power of this committee. I worked …

July 31, 2002

Testimony by Richard Butler on Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Statement at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Washington, D.C. July 31, 2002 Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction Ambassador Richard Butler Former Executive Chairman o…

February 11, 2002

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Testimony of Lawrence J. Korb Before the House Budget Committee - February 12, 2002

Mr. Chairman, Members of the House Budget Committee, I appreciate the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss the Bush administration’s proposed FY 2003 defense budget and the FY 2003…

November 13, 2002

United States
America Still Unprepared--America Still in Danger

Written Testimony before a hearing of theU.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee onTechnology, Terrorism, and Government Information Stephen E. Flynn, Ph.D.Commander, U.S. Coast Guard (ret.)Jeane J…

October 14, 2002

Hearing on U.S. Policy in the Andean Region

U.S. Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control Washington, D.C. September 17, 2002 This transcript has not been edited. WITNESSES: RICHARD L. ARMITAGE, Deputy Secretary of Sta…