34 Results for:

February 10, 2011

Media Conference Call: Change in Egypt (Audio)

CFR's Richard Haass and Steven Cook discuss the latest developments in Egypt, including president Hosni Mubarak's speech and the decision by the Egyptian military to "safeguard the country."


April 2, 2020

United States
COVID-19 and Covering Public Health

Thomas J. Bollyky, senior fellow for global health, economics, and development, and director of the Global Health Program at CFR, discusses COVID-19 and covering public health with series host Carla …


April 16, 2020

COVID-19 and Trade

In this call, Jennifer Hillman, senior fellow for trade and international political economy at CFR, discusses how international trade policies are affecting communities within the United States durin…


September 13, 2017

Media Literacy in an Era of Fake News

Council on Foreign Relations 9/13 Academic Conference Call on Media Literacy in an Era of Fake News with Carla Anne Robbins


December 18, 2017

Donald Trump
Trump's National Security Strategy

President Donald J. Trump unveils his administration’s National Security Strategy on Monday, December 18. CFR President Richard Haass analyze the major takeaways of the document, which will outline n…
