58 Results for:

November 20, 2009

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
The U.S.-Russia Nuclear Thicket

CFR nuclear arms expert Charles D. Ferguson says with an important nuclear arms control deadline approaching, the U.S.-Russia talks remain complicated by missile defense and verification issues.

December 11, 2009

United States
Obama’s Nobel Obstacles

President Obama, a newly minted Nobel Peace Prize winner, now faces the daunting task of delivering on a range of challenges, especially nuclear nonproliferation and climate change, says CFR’s Michae…

May 5, 2015

Low Expectations for UN Syria Talks

The UN’s latest bid to negotiate a political transition in Syria is unlikely to yield results. Behind its mediators’ failures lie a wider breakdown of great-power politics, says expert Richard Gowan.

November 27, 2002

Iraq Inspections Have a 50-50 Chance of Averting War, Says Council’s Middle East Fellow Richard Murphy

Richard Murphy, the Council’s Hasib J. Sabbagh senior fellow in Middle East studies, puts the chances that Saddam Hussein will comply with renewed U.N. weapons inspections— and thereby av…

February 11, 2003

Bronson Finds Many Arab States Wary of U.S. Postwar Policy

Rachel Bronson, the Council on Foreign Relations’ director of Middle East studies, says she finds “enormous opposition” among Arab states to a possible United States invasion of Iraq and its aftermat…