12 Results for:

April 1, 2000

Antitrust Goes Global

How will the rapid growth of trade, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and international joint ventures alter antitrust enforcement? Can national antitrust enforcement guard against anticompetiti…

June 1, 1998

Economic Sanctions and American Diplomacy

Read an excerpt of Economic Sanctions and American Diplomacy. "Sanctions don't work" is an often-heard refrain. The reality, though, is more complex. Sanctions—mostly economic but also political a…

December 1, 1997

United States
U.S. Foreign Policy After the Cold War

The cold war came to a grinding halt during the astounding developments of 1989-1991.The Berlin Wall fell, Eastern European countries freed themselves from Soviet domination, and the Soviet Union its…

May 23, 2005

United States
The Opportunity

Read an excerpt of The Opportunity. This is a book that describes an unprecedented moment in which the United States has a chance to bring about a world where most people are safe, free, and can e…

April 1, 1999

The Politics of Post-Suharto Indonesia

Indonesia has entered a period of turmoil and change far greater than at any time since former President Suharto took power more than three decades ago. Reeling from the economic crisis that swept th…