560 Results for:

October 11, 2002

United States
Bipartisan Commission Says U.S. Must Enhance Influence and Reputation at UN

October 10, 2002—U.S. influence at the UN is low but can be improved, concludes a bipartisan task force led by two highly regarded foreign policy voices, Republican Congressman David Dreier and forme…

December 9, 2002

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Without Sustained EU-U.S. Action, Balkans Face Serious Social, Economic Instability, Warns New CFR Task Force, Balkans 2010

December 9, 2002— After a decade of extensive involvement and peacemaking in the Balkans, the United States and its allies are winding down their commitment to the region. At this critical juncture, …

December 20, 2006

Assessing the Tsunami Warning System

Two years after a tsunami devastated several Indian Ocean countries, a rudimentary warning system is in place. But coordination and funding concerns have slowed plans for a permanent regional system.

June 8, 2007

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Fatah al-Islam

An overview of the Fatah al-Islam terrorist group.

July 18, 2007

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
The Rise of al-Qaedaism

Since 9/11, much of al-Qaeda’s operational capacity has been dismantled but experts say the group’s strength now lies in its ability to inspire others to carry out terrorist attacks.